Covid-19 Land Tax Relief - How Qld and NSW Programs Differ

Covid-19 has shown that Australia is a collection of States and Territories rather than one nation.  

Australia has become a quagmire of different rules for travelling between States. We have seen different rules apply to similar events such as funerals depending on your State.

Land tax relief is another example of State differences.

In Qld, land tax relief is offered to landowners where the ability of the #tenant to pay rent is affected by Covid-19 (and their rent is reduced) and also where the landowner's ability to secure tenants has been affected by Covid-19.

Qld relief is self-assessed.  (Subsequent auditing is likely.)

Qld is also extending the relief to the 2020-21 land tax liability (applications close on 26 February 2021).

(Qld Land Tax Relief Measures)

In NSW, relief is offered to landowners whose tenants can prove Covid-19 financial distress and have been provided rent reduction.

No relief is currently provided to landowners where their ability to secure tenants has been affected by Covid-19.

NSW is approval based rather than self-assessed.

Relief is currently limited to the 2020 land tax liability.

(NSW Land Tax Relief Measures)

Qld clearly has the more generous relief program at this point.

Update - 23 September 2020

NSW has now extended its Land Tax relief program until 31 December 2020.
Rental support measures in NSW to be extended for six months

September 2020

© PELEN 2020

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