Qld's New Rules On Pets In Residential Tenancies Commence 1 October 2022

Queensland’s rental reforms regarding pets in residential rental properties commence on 1 October 2022.

From that date: "If a renter requests to keep a pet, a rental property owner must have reasonable grounds to refuse and respond in writing to this request within 14 days. Reasonable grounds include if the property is unsuitable, and if keeping the pet would breach laws or by-laws.

Rental property owners can also place reasonable conditions on pet ownership, including that the pet is to be kept outside or that carpets are cleaned, and the property is fumigated at the end of a lease. A rent increase or bond are not reasonable conditions. The laws also clarify that fair wear and tear does not include pet damage.

Minimum housing standards for Queensland rental properties will start applying to new leases from 1 September 2023 and to all rental properties from 1 September 2024."

Date set for remaining Stage 1 Rental Reforms to commence

February 2022

© PELEN 2022

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