Rent Control - Failed in Queensland, Try Canberra

Federal Greens MP for Griffith Max Chandler-Mather has announced a proposal to freeze residential property rents for a two year period followed by a maximum 2% increase each two year period thereafter until wages catch up to rents.

The proposed national rent control measures are to be backdated to 1 August 2022. Any residential properties not rented at that time (including new builds) can only be rented at the suburb's median rent. Rent stays frozen even if a landlord renovates the property between tenancies.

The Greens propose that the Federal government force each State and Territory government to impose these rent control measures while at the same time ending negative gearing and CGT concessions for residential property and calling on the Reserve Bank to halt interest rate rises.

Missing from the proposal was any discussion of a corresponding freeze and subsequent caps on government charges such as council rates, water rates and land tax. No comments either on whether (somehow) a freeze should be enacted on insurance, strata levies and maintenance costs.

Also missing was any comment that a similar proposal was made in Qld in 2021 by Greens MP for South Brisbane Amy MacMahon as a Private Members Bill. One of the provisions of the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation (Tenants’ Rights) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2021 stated that rent increases be limited to CPI increases.

This proposal was rejected by the Qld Parliament and the Bill was discharged on 14 October 2021.

The Greens claim Victoria froze rents for six months during the Covid-19 pandemic and this justifies their rent freeze proposal.

However, the pandemic rent freeze in Victoria was accompanied by cost related measures such as deferrals and interest waivers on costs such as council rates and water rates. Similarly, Qld residential property investors were able to access discounts, deferrals and reductions on costs such as council rates and land tax. The Greens propose no such equivalent measures.

The Greens proposal seems to have a few hurdles. As PM Anthony Albanese said recently - "It's not clear to me short of nationalising property how that could be achieved and I haven't seen any proposal."

It is not clear whether the PM will seek to impose the Greens rent control measures on the State and Territory governments.

Update - Meanwhile, Greens MP for South Brisbane Amy MacMahon plans to resurrect her failed Bill, update it for the proposed more restrictive rent control measures and submit it to Qld Parliament for consideration.

Proposal for rent control put forward

Report No. 8, 57th Parliament - Residential Tenancies And Rooming Accommodation (Tenants' Rights) And Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2021

Greens Push To Freeze Qld Rents

August 2022

© PELEN 2022

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