Why Don't More Landlords Install Fire Blankets?

I was recently asked for my suggestion on the best risk minimisation factor for residential rental properties.

A number of managing agents have been circulating their annual fire safety tips and none has touched on this issue. Yes, you should have adequate insurance and you must comply with the relevant state legislation on smoke alarms and, in Queensland, start gearing up for the more stringent smoke alarm requirements effective in January 2022.

However, beyond the legal requirements on landlords, you should install a fire blanket in the kitchen of any residential rental property you own. It simply makes good sense.

One of the main fire risk danger areas in any residential rental property is the kitchen and the risk of stove top or hot plate fires. Any fire needs to be extinguished quickly to prevent the spread of flames, damage to the property and the risk of injury to the tenant. In the unfortunate event of a fire, ready access to a fire blanket may enable a tenant to smother the flames and minimise damage to the property and risk to themselves.

Fire blankets are a sensible pro-active approach to fire risk management and should be considered an essential addition to any residential rental property. They are inexpensive (less than $10.00 each from retailers such as Bunnings) and should be checked between tenancies to determine if a replacement is needed.

I am always amazed when I talk to managing agents that more landlords do not install fire blankets in their residential rental properties. There are times when it makes sense to think beyond the strict legal responsibilities of a landlord. I expect any landlord who suffers a fire in one of their kitchens would regret their decision not to spend the cost of a couple of cups of coffee on this measure.

To date, I have only ever had one fire blanket used but its availability at the time doubtless saved money and minimised the risk of harm to the tenant and neighbouring tenants.

Of all the measures that landlords can take to protect their investments, one of the best measures is also one of the least expensive.

Make sure you put one in your own kitchen as well.


October 2019

© PELEN 2019

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