Qld Parliamentary Committee Green Lights Pet Tenancy Amendments

The Community Support and Services Committee has released its report on the examination of the Housing Legislation Amendment Bill 2021. It has also released its report on the Greens' sponsored Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation (Tenants' Rights) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2021.

In short, the Committee has backed the Government's Bill and rejected the Greens' Bill.

In terms of tenancies and pets, once enacted, landlords will have 14 days in which to respond to a pet request otherwise the request is deemed approved. Pet requests may only be refused on prescribed reasonable grounds. Landlords can impose reasonable conditions on pet approval. Rent or rental bond increases are not considered reasonable conditions. Fair wear and tear under a lease will not include pet damage.

The Government expects the proposed implementation time frame for the pet amendments to be 12 months from the date of the Bill's Assent.

The Bill also implements amendments to ending tenancies, establishing minimum housing standards and protections for vulnerable tenants.

QCAT anticipates that the overall tenancy reforms will "increase the number of non-urgent residential tenancy matters by 53 per cent, which is around 2,500 additional applications. QCAT also estimates that there may be an 8 per cent increase in matters that go to the QCAT Appeals Tribunal."

Housing Legislation Amendment Bill 2021
Report No. 7, 57th Parliament, Community Support and Services Committee, August 2021

Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation (Tenants' Rights) and
Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2021
Report No. 8, 57th Parliament, Community Support and Services Committee, August 2021

August 2021

© PELEN 2021

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