Pets in Apartments - NSW Update

Some interesting comments in the post-Cooper March 2021 decision in McGregor v The Owners – Strata Plan No 74896 [2021] NSWCATCD 1.

This NCAT matter involved the refusal by an owners corporation for a dog to be kept in an apartment block which was part of a larger complex, each block with separate by-laws and all subject to a community management statement.

The applicant dog owners were self represented. And that was probably their downfall.

The by-laws expressly prohibited dogs but not other pets such as cats, with an exception in the townhouse by-laws for small dogs which were permitted in the townhouse section of the complex.

The applicants placed significant reliance on the decision of the NSW Court of Appeal in Cooper. In that case, the effect of the Court’s decision was that a “blanket ban” on the keeping of pets was “harsh, unconscionable or oppressive”.

The applicants' prime application was misconceived as it sought relief under Section 157 of the Strata Schemes Management Act which allows the Tribunal to approve a pet where the by-laws permit a pet with owners corporation approval and that approval has been unreasonably withheld. Neither of these conditions was met.

The applicants also chose the wrong by-law to request the Tribunal to declare as invalid. The applicants should also have included the Community Association as a respondent.

In the circumstances, it was not necessary for the Tribunal to consider the effect of Cooper on the relevant by-law but the Tribunal did note that the by-law did not, in any event, constitute a “blanket ban” of the type considered in that decision.

It will be interesting to see whether other owners corporations seek to distinguish Cooper on the basis that their by-laws, while prohibiting dogs, do not prohibit other animals.

July 2021

© PELEN 2021

The content of this publication is intended to provide a general overview on matters which may be of interest. It is not intended to be comprehensive. It does not constitute advice in relation to particular circumstances nor does it constitute the provision of legal services, legal advice or financial product advice.

Queensland Tenancy Reforms Draw Near

On 18 June 2021, the Qld Government introduced the Housing Legislation Amendment Bill 2021.

The Bill sets forth the long awaited reforms of tenancy legislation which were the subject of a lengthy public consultation process.

Part of the draft reforms relate to tenants' rights regarding pets.

It was expected that Qld would follow the southern States approaches.

The Bill falls short of Victoria's keeping pets as of right approach . (The Qld Greens Private Member's Bill is closer to the Victorian model.) Further, Qld strata schemes would be entitled to use their by-laws to restrict pets which seems contrary to the position in NSW following the Cooper case.

It is not clear at this stage whether a blanket 'no pets are allowed' strata by-law will be acceptable to the Qld Government given that a landlord will be unable to use 'no pets are allowed' as grounds for refusing pets. But it seems unlikely.

Proposed Section 184E(1)(f) is quite broad. However, the days of complete strata pet bans seem over and not destined to make a return.

The Qld Government may take the view that QCAT (or an appeal court) will confirm that the use of blanket no pet by-laws in Qld strata schemes is "oppressive or unreasonable" and therefore adopt a similar approach to the NSW Court of Appeal in Cooper. In the past, strata by-laws that have prohibited pets have been ruled as oppressive and unreasonable by QCAT and, prior to that, by the CCT.

This may be the reason the Qld Government has not moved to amend the Body Corporate and Community Management Act 1997 to exclude no pet by-laws and align this Act with the prohibition on complete pet bans in Section 184D(5) of the Bill.

The Bill has been referred to the Queensland Parliament Community Support and Services Committee with a report due by 6 August 2021.

The closing date for written submissions to the Committee is 12.00pm, Tuesday 13 July 2021.

Participate in the Committee process

Housing Legislation Amendment Bill 2021

Housing Legislation Amendment Bill 2021 - Explanatory Notes

Greens Private Member's Bill - Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation (Tenants’ Rights) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2021

Cooper v The Owners – Strata Plan No 58068 [2020] NSWCA 250

July 2021

© PELEN 2021

The content of this publication is intended to provide a general overview on matters which may be of interest. It is not intended to be comprehensive. It does not constitute advice in relation to particular circumstances nor does it constitute the provision of legal services, legal advice or financial product advice.