The Joy of Trees on Property Boundaries

QCAT's view is quite clear:

"The Tribunal has consistently found that the droppage of vegetation in this regard is a fact of life in suburban neighbourhoods and not of itself cause for the intervention of the Tribunal by way of an order."

"The dropping of leaves, flowers, fruit, seeds or small elements of deadwood by urban trees ordinarily will not provide the basis for ordering removal of, or intervention with, an urban tree."

Neighbours (including bodies corporate with shared boundaries) should work together to find equitable solutions.  It will save time in the long run.

It is worth noting that the Applicant in this matter did not help themselves by failing to provide evidence to back many of their claims.    

Melvaig Pty Ltd v McMillan-Kay [2020] QCAT 21


February 2020

© PELEN 2020

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